Prof. Germain Weber, Ph.D.
Prof. Germain Weber, Ph.D. – Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Vienna and Professor of Psychology, Department of Health, Development, Enhancement, Intervention. At the Université du Luxembourg Professor Weber holds an associate professorship where he teaches clinical psychology on a regular basis. Further, Dr. Weber acts as president of “Lebenshilfe Austria”, the major Austrian NGO organization offering systems of support for over 10.000 persons with intellectual disability and advocating for them on a national and European level. Since many years, Dr. Weber is involved in European Union funded research projects on intellectual disability issues, aging issues and assistive technologies. Dr. Weber has authored over 100 publications and has lectured in many countries on topics of psychology, intellectual disability and aging including mental health issues.
Presentation theme:
In people with DID (disorders of intellectual development, ICD-11) the full range of mental disorders is observed. The co-occurrence of mental disorders and DID has been referred to as “dual diagnosis”. In addition, problem behavior and/or challenging behavior is reported, this independently of DID. The vulnerability to mental health problems is manifold, including biological sources linked to the etiology to DID. Besides psychological factors, including short- and long-term stressors, such as repeated experiences of failure, a non-favorable environment, experience of abuse and social exclusion as well as stigmatization are precursors of the mental health problems. Taking into account this variety of sources different models to be considered when analyzing the nature of the specific mental health problem will be presented. Further, severe mental health disorders and/or challenging behavior are major barriers for social inclusion, with people with DID and severe mental health problems having a high risk for living in more segregated settings. Besides offering an overview on recent findings from prevalence studies, issues of diagnostic assessment will be addressed and evidence based findings from psychotherapeutic as well as psychopharmacological interventions will be presented. Finally, training of psychiatrists and clinical psychologist in the area of mental health as well as the impact of formal mental health services provisions for this highly vulnerable group will be discussed.
Prof. Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici, Ph.D.
Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici - neurologist, Professor of Neuropsychology and Anatomy of the Nervous System, an Honorary member of the Romanian Academy, Member of the Academy of Scientists from Romania and of the Academy of Medical Sciences from Romania. He is also Honorary Director of the Institute of Anthropology "Fr. I. Rainer" of the Romanian Academy and President of the Academic Society of Anthropology.
Presentation theme:
Gnosis plays a major role in anthropology and psychology. Beyond the classical myths, stories and philosophy, the relation with Jungian psychology for instance will be discussed. Also the interrelations with human development and psychological development/psychotherapy will be analyzed.