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Marius Milcu, Ph.D. Associate Proffessor Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania Director of Centre for Psychological Research President of the Association for Qualitative and Intercultural Studies in Psychology |
Marius Milcu, Ph.D., Associate Proffessor, is a well known psychologist and editor of conferences volumes, as well as trainer. He has participated at numerous conferences, but he has organized as well scientific events within modern applied psychology and research area.
Dr. Milcu is also the president of the Association for Qualitative and Intercultural Studies in Psychology
Workshop 3 theme: PATHOLOGY OF WORK
Modern organizations are complex social entities with a special dynamic, with a specific work pathology.
In this workshop we intend to present the origins and evolution of burn-out, mobbing, organizational conflicts and occupational stress. The destructive consequences of this pathology on the people and the organization will be explained
Our target is to focus on coping strategies and techniques, as well as on mechanisms to solve these workplace issues.
Organizatiile moderne sunt entitati sociale complexe cu o dinamica speciala si cu o patologie a muncii specifica.
In cadrul acestui workshop intentionam sa prezentam originea si evolutia burn-out, mobbing, a conflictelor organizationale si a stresului ocupational. Vor fi explicate consecintele distructive ale acstei patologii asupra oamenilor si asupra organizatiei.
Scopul nostru este sa ne focalizam pe strategiile si tehnicile de coping, ca si pe mecanismele de rezolvare a problemelor la locul de munca.