Rozeta Draghici Lect. CS II Psychologist pr. PhD "Ana Aslan" National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romanian Association of Clinical Psychology |
Elena Vladislav Assoc. Prof., Psychologist pr. PhD Psychology Department and Master Studies Department, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, President of the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Commission – Romanian Collegium of Psychologists Romanian Association of Projective Psychodiagnosis |
Rozeta Drăghici, Ph.D., Lecturer - Principal Psychologist, Supervisor in clinical Psychology, psychological Counselling and Psychotherapy. Since 1995 she has been working to ”Ana Aslan” Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Her BA paper, her MA dissertation and her PhD thesis all had at their core aging and the problems of elderly people. She is the Romanian representative at the Scientific Committee of Geropsychology of EFPA since 2013.
In 2002 she undertook a research trip to the Research Centre in Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology of University Lumiere 2, Lyon- France.
Mrs. Rozeta Drăghici has participated with 65 presentations at international and national conferences, she has published 17 articles, 5 chapters within the field of Gerontopsychology and Clinical Psychology.
She coordinates continual training programme for psychologists organised by the Romanian Association of Clinical Psychology on the subject „Clinical Gerontopsychology – concepts and evaluations”.
Elena Vladislav, Ph.D., Associate professor – Psychology Department and Master Studies Department, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest.
- Clinical Psychologist and psychotherapist with formation in experiential psychotherapy and psychodrama
- Trainer within the programmes of the Romanian Society of Experiential Psychotherapy (SPER)
- President of Romanian Association of Projective Psychodiagnosis
Mrs. Elena Vladislav is the author of two books, five book chapters, more than 30 scientific papers and numerous presentations at national and international conferences.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss how data obtained using the Millon Multiaxial Clinical Inventory III are correlated with data derived using projective techniques in view of psychological assessment of post-traumatic consequences in adults.
In this regard the multiaxial clinical inventory is one of the well-known inventories for evaluating clinical syndromes and personality features.
Projective tests to be presented are the following:
- The Bender - Gestalt Test, the best known drawing test used in clinical settings, with specific factors for interpretation of subject’s conflicts.
- The Rorschach Inkblot Test to identify subject’s tolerance to stress, emotional state, characteristics of his self-image and interpersonal relationships.
- The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) to identify subject’s present needs, emotional state and dynamics of his relations.
Discussions will be based on case reports following psychological evaluations of traumatized people and clinical experience of the workshop coordinators.
Obiectivul acestui workshop este de a supune discuției modul în care corelează datele obținute cu ajutorul Inventarului Clinic Multiaxial Millon III cu datele extrase cu ajutorul tehnicilor proiective în evaluarea psihologică a consecințelor de tip posttraumatic la adulți.
În acest sens, Inventarul clinic multiaxial este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute pentru evaluarea perspectivei sindroamelor clinice şi caracteristicelor de personalitate.
Testele proiective ce vor fi prezentate sunt următoarele:
- Bender-Gestalt Test, cel mai cunoscut dintre testele de desen utilizate în clinică, cu factori specifici de interpretatre pentru conflictele subiectului.
- Testul petelor de cerneală Rorschach pentru identificarea toleranței la stres, a stării emoţionale și caracteristicilor imaginii de sine și relațiile interpersonale.
- Testul de Apercepţie Tematică (TAT) pentru identificarea nevoilor prezente, stării emoționale și dinamicii relaționale.
Discuțiile se vor baza pe rapoartele de evaluare psihologică a persoanelor traumatizate, conform experienței clinice a coordonatorilor acestui workshop.