NEWS! CONFERENCE PROGRAMME!! (in the Details section of the site)

Call for papers & Topics

The Scientific Committee encourages researchers, faculty members, teachers, psychologists, physicians and anthropologists to submit papers to the Conference. The papers should be written in English, the official language of the event.

Ten facts on Mental Health:


1. Mental Health in Psychology:

  • Assessment
  • Intervention (counseling; psychotherapy)
  • Geropsychology

2. Mental Health in Medicine:

  • Psychiatry and Social Psychiatry
  • Other specialties
  • Assessment
  • Intervention
  • Alternative and complementary medicine in mental health: TCM, homeopathy and others

3. Mental Health in Anthropology:

  • Culture and Mental Health
  • Population habits and Mental Health
  • Genetics and Mental Health
  • Anthropometry

4. Challenges and new approaches in Mental Health

Accepted full papers will be published in In a special volume published by Universitara Publishing House (Editura Universitara - - the publishing house is present in 46 academic libraries, according to WorldCat ( and included by the National Council for Scientific Research (CNSC and CNATDCU) on the list of recognized approved publishers (A2 category for Social Sciences - After the publication this volume shall be submitted to Thomson Reuters with the proposal to be indexed by the Web of Science (ISI).

From the accepted papers, some will be selected for publication with:

  • Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology (JESP) - - the journal is indexed by the following international academic databases: Thomson Reuters - ESCI, Ebsco, ProQuest, Index Copernicus and DOAJ and it is worldwide recognized.
  • Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology - - the journal is indexed by Ebsco, ProQuest, DOAJ and CrossRef.

The Scientific Committee encourages researchers, faculty members, teachers, psychologists, physicians and anthropologists to submit papers to the Conference. The 4-5 page papers should be written in English, the official language of the event. All the submitted papers will be subject to a double blind peer-review process. You can submit your paper, using the provided template (you can download it from the conference website) at the following e-mail address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the end of the Conference the editors of the supporting journals will select the best proceedings and invite the authors to submit extended papers for publication.