Dear Participants,
It is my pleasure and honor to announce that the International Conference MENTAL HEALTH – PSYCHOLOGY, MEDICINE AND ANTHROPOLOGY FOR LIFE QUALITY – 1st edition (ICMH 2016) will be held in Romania - Ploieşti, September 9 - 11, 2016, The Palace of Culture (downtown Ploiesti).
The aim of the conference is to bring together a wide audience of practitioners in Psychology, Medicine and Anthropology, as well as related sciences (Education, Sociology, Social care etc.), experts and policy makers. The suggested topics will allow presentation of thorough research, fruitful debate and opportunities for interaction among professionals with a major interest in Mental Health.
Accepted full papers will be published in English in a special volume published by Universitara Publishing House (Editura Universitara - - the publishing house is present in 46 academic libraries, according to WorldCat ( and included by the National Council for Scientific Research (CNSC and CNATDCU) on the list of recognized approved publishers (A2 category for Social Sciences - After the publication this volume shall be submitted to Thomson Reuters with the proposal to be indexed by the Web of Science (ISI).
The best papers will be selected and the authors will be invited to submit extended versions to:
- Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology (JESP) - - the journal is indexed by the following international academic databases: Thomson Reuters - ESCI, Ebsco, ProQuest, Index Copernicus and DOAJ and it is worldwide recognized.
- Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology - - the journal is indexed by Ebsco, ProQuest, DOAJ and CrossRef.
The Scientific Committee encourages researchers, psychologists, physicians, anthropologists, teachers, social workers, students and all the professionals having interests in Mental Health to submit papers to the Conference. The papers should be written in English, the official language of the event. All the submitted papers will be subject to a blind peer-review process.
At the end of the Conference the supporting journals' editors will select the best proceedings and invite the authors to submit extended papers for publication.
The Conference is organized by the International Society for Applied Psychology (ISAPSY), the Natural Sciences Museum Ploiesti, and “Francisc I. Rainer” Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy, three organizations that will manage the scientific quality of the event.
Chair ICMH 2016
Professor Cristian Vasile Ph.D.
ISAPSY President